Saturday, December 6, 2008

As promised, a visual update via scans of picks donated since the last update. I apologize for the commentary brevity, but since 237 picks have been donated since the last update, I have a lot of ground to cover. These are in no particular order, so if you donated, plese do not read anything into the orser. Also, I will try to mention all donors by name, but some of my notes were misplaced. If I am not sure who donated certain picks, I hope you understand.

Here we go:

Carrie Underwood's crew donated these:

When the mighty Snot returned to Milwaukee, Brian donated six picks, two each of the following:
Hoogie with Shinedown donated these:

The boys in Rise Against:

John with Dir En Grey helped secure picks despite a language barrier:
Patrick with Death Cab For Cutie gave me several of these picks:

The Jonny Lang Crew donated over thirty picks total, consisting of the following:
This is the one that I feel really bad about. A gentleman who runs a comedy club sent me thse picks and I cannot find his information. These are promotional picks he had made up and are really cool!

After their show recently the guitarist for Bring Me the Horizon gave me four of these personally:

Sammy with the ZZ Top crew donated several of the clear picks and Mr & Mrs Anonymous gave me the black picks you see below after the show here a few months back.
Ron Vickers, tour manager for Alkaline Trio heard about the fundraiser and mailed me several picks and tour laminates to auction off for the fundraiser. This was perhaps the best surprise I have had since starting this fundraiser...

Matt with Alkaline Trio donated several picks as well on their stop in Milwaukee recently:
Pete and Za made their second rounds of donations since the fundraiser started:

Mike from Jack's Manequin donated some picks from the band as well as several from his personal stash:

Jason Mraz was cool enough to give me these:
Trace Adkins' crew gave several picks:
The Queensryche organization also again donated several picks via mail. Because their earlier donation generated nearly $100, they were happy to give another round for auction. They also donated a pair of shirts and a pair of autographed drumsticks (which, due to technical difficulties, I can't post at the moment, but stay tuned...)

The ever-gracious Mr & Mrs. Anonymous have donated many picks over the past few months...

Noah with 10 years came back and made another donation...

These were picks I found on stage after shows...
Thank you for checking these out. I will be more dilligent in future updates, I PROMISE.

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