Sunday, February 15, 2009

We've reached $4,500!

As of this writing, Pickin' for sick Children has surpassed the $4,500 mark in fundraising with a lot of help from eBay sales. Specifically Metallica and Cheap Trick pick sales alone have generated over $1,500 themselves. A check for an additional $2,225.78 will be sent to Children's this week. Thank you to all of you who have donated picks, money, time or resources to helping the cause!

Since the last posting, I have received a few more donations. First, I would like to thank a Anonymous donor from a land far away for donating 30 picks from various artists. This particular donor is rather modest and would like to keep his name and the picks he donated quiet, so I will respect that. However, I want to publicly thank him for the donation. You know who you are mystery donor...

I also had the privilege of running into the Merchandise Manager for the legendary band Foghat, Mr. RC McWilliams. RC sent me a extensive care package of donations for the fundraiser including 15 picks, a pair of signature drumsticks, two can cozies, a mouse pad, a live DVD, a live CD and a hand-signed 8x10 glossy photo of the band. These are sure to make a pretty penny at auction. Thank you again RC.

Finally, Michel with the band Meshuggah donated 16 picks during their stop in town on February 14:
Thanks again to all involved. Without your help, this fundraiser would not be possible!

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