Sunday, May 4, 2008

Way past due...

I am aware that it has been over a month since my last posting. I have no excuse. That being said, in no particular order, here are the donations I have collected in the past month.

From the Boston bands The Briggs and The Street Dogs:

Thanks to Jason from The Briggs for a donation of eleven picks. The Street Dogs didn't have a lot to be able to donate, but generously donated the last two picks they had to the fundraiser:

Thanss to the Street Dogs for helping! P.S. if you have a chance, check both of these bands out! GREAT live shows from them both.

Next, Dustin from Gary Allan's crew dontated 15 picks, five of which came from his personal collection from an earlier Toby Keith tour:

Next, I want to thank Michael O'Brien from the Montgomery Gentry crew for donating seven picks:

Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous have returned with a donation of five additional picks from the band .38 Special:The Brothers Hanson were in town revently during their "Walk Tour" and donated three picks to help the Children's Hospital:

Last and most certainly not least, I want to thank Eddie and Wolfgang Van Halen for their donation of an even dozen picks:

This brings the new total donation to 974 picks. I promise to update more often, as more donations arrive!

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