Sunday, June 15, 2008

A new, and HUGE, supporter!

As of this past Friday (June 13), I have been given permission by the good people at Summerfest in Milwaukee to post pick collection boxes at eight of the main stages on the grounds!

For those of you unfamiliar with Summerfest, it is a 10-day festival on the Milwaukee lakefront that is as much an institution to Milwaukee as Beer and The Fonz. Over the course of the festival as many as a dozen different stages are continually showcasing local, state, regional, national and international musical acts.

With this many acts passing through the area in a relatively short period of time, it is not practical to try and collect picks in the conventional method I have been using. Which is to say, I can only be in one place at a time. Which is why I presented to the Summerfest marketing people the idea of providing multiple collection boxes at many of the stages. Initial reaction was positive, but due to the hectic schedule of this time of year for these people, I only recently got the official clearance.

This may very well be the greatest influx of donations to the cause possible, simply due to the volume of acts coming to town. Wish me luck, and I will keep you updated as things progress.

Also, I received the promised two bags of Three Days Grace picks from Moose. There were a total of 325 picks in the package! Big, BIG thanks to Moose.

Finally I have started selling picks on eBay. Response has been overwhelming. The second wave of pick sales is scheduled to end this evening. I will give you a sales total soon, but to give you a general idea, I will have sold about 60 picks and raised over $800 in the process!

Stay tuned...

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