Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The pledges start to roll in.

This afternoon, I began my requests for pledges. What a response! Literally, within minutes I got my first pledge. Soon thereafter, I got more. I got responses from people I do not even know within hours of my initial e-mail. The power of e-mail networking is truly amazing!

Thank you to those of you who have either responded, pledged, checked out the webpage or blog. If we can keep this moving at this rate, I see nothing but a great outcome for this project.

On another note, I am also putting my collection where my mouth is. Aside from running the fundraiser, I have donated 137 picks from my personal collection. I challenge anyone else who is a collector to break this mark. Again, I am not necessarily looking for picks that are of great monetary value. I am going for sheer volume. Duplicates are happily accepted. If you have thirty of the exact same pick, they count as thirty, not one. Because people are starting to back up my big-talk with money, I want to give them a reason to be as excited about this drive as I am.

Anyone who donates more picks than I did will not only be recognized prominently on the webpage and Blog, but will be given a very special gift (I am still working on the details, but trust me, you will not be disappointed). As of now, let's keep it as a informal challenge to see who can / will donate the most. If I can work up a special prize for the top donor, I will make an announcement.

Keep the pledges and donations coming in. I will be posting scans soon of some of the more unique picks donated as well as photos of the entire collection as it grows.

Thank you all or all you have, are and will be doing.


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